Around the blogs on lunch hour and after school.
This from the Diaries on dKos about the incursion of the Cessna into WaDC airspace...
Kos on the front page on Army Recruitment...
Talking Points Memo on recent Dem accomplishments...
another dKos diary, this time on a First Amendment issue...
Finally, the ongoing launch of the Oregon House Dems' blog...
In the AM, we had a new candidate for the school principal job do a walk-through. Hoping we get a good one! Today was also the aftermath of WWI in History and a review day on elections in Government class. Tonight is dinner at the future father-in-laws... busy day for moi.
Still have one job opportunity lurking and fear the trail has gone cold on the other FOUR I was pursuing in Phoenix/Talent.
If you are a Medford-area soccer fan, Rogue Valley Cup is this weekend - North Medford HS, Fichtner Mainwaring Park, and Ashland Middle School are the most-used venues.
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