Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Buck Never Stops

Over on DailyKos, Kid Oakland has a new diary up and it is a doozy. Those of us tinted blue everywhere need to be thinking like this, framing our discussions with neutral parties in this manner, and working this meme into everything we do.
You would think that there would be some level of accountability to the public, that there would be some respect for our '"right to know." You would think that a Party that espouses traditional, conservative values would step up to the plate, would take responsibility for telling the truth to our nation. Not these guys.

And it goes deeper than that. The policies they do enact are deeply enmeshed in "buck-never-stops-ism."

When you cut taxes and run huge deficits, as the GOP has done on the national and state level, you're not being fiscally responsible, in fact, you're just taxing our kids. It's that simple. And whether it's George in D.C. or Arnold in California it's the exact same tune. Why pay today for something that you can defer into the future? Why be responsible adults?

Let our kids pay for it.

I'd like to remind our GOP friends that they once had leaders who would actually dip a toe in the waters of reality from time to time. Not anymore.

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