Wednesday, July 26, 2006

WA State Supremes uphold Marriage Ban

The Stranger already has blog traffic on this morning's announcement. Horse's Ass does, too.

Dan Savage's take (at Slog, link above)
But it seems that heterosexuals—so essential to the survival of the human race (Keep breeding, heteros! There just aren’t enough us on the planet!)—need to be afforded special rights. Without the exclusive right to marriage, the court assumes that heterosexuals could not be bothered to produce offspring at all—or, once they’ve produced them, could not be bothered to care for them.
Speaking on behalf of at least one hetero (me), I'll say the only thing that really gives me reproductive pause is NOT my marriage rights, but the prospect of raising offspring in a effed-up world. And I don't think that the current decision-making of a the sole global super-power is the fault of the wanna-be married GLBT crowd. *sigh*

More as I come across it...

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