Saturday, September 23, 2006

WA Leg-43 results, OR HD-6 ongoing rant, 549c levy

Well I am 0-2 in state races I've been directly active in. Bill Sherman finished 3rd behind Jamie Pedersen and Jim Street, not as far back of them as the rest o the pack was behind Bill, but still back. Stephanie Pure led the back half of the pack ahead of Dodson and Kelley.

Bill had the endorsement of one of Seattle's major daily papers and of the enviro crowd. Street had the other daily, but Pederson got a late endorsement from the outgoing seat-holder and I suspect that is what swung the race (the margin with Street was under 50, as of the last count I saw, and I suspect Murray's nod was good for about +200 votes - enough that whichever of the top 3 got it, it would turn their effort to a win.

Down here in SoOR, Mike Moran does have lawn signs up and has his material included in the door-knocking packs that other canvassers are leaving, but I can't find evidence of a website, yet. The ActBlue page still has my donation ONLY and nothing of note has happened from a visibility angle. The race is screaming missed opportunity.

549c has a huge improvement levy on the ballot and THAT is running fairly low on the radar, too... I have a very big interest in it passing, as I teach at one of the sites where major renovation is proposed... but I am also in a building that is apparently going to survive, being remodeled rather than rebuilt. North High has been without air conditioning since I got there in early August. No point moving on a tens of thousands dollar repair until we know if the repair would be torn out again with the refit, so... We also are working on campus-wide bottled water, as there is a heavy metal drinking fountains are non-functional AND the rooms are uncooled. YES, WE NEED TO REPAIR, REPLACE, REBUILD!!! Support the Levy!

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