Wednesday, November 29, 2006

More sooner than expected

Hey, again!

It's been a very busy few months - three full length plays produced at NMHS already and I've also been functioning without a kitchen since June (remodeling and going slower than I thought I would). But THAT has an end in sight... probably have an electrical inspection by the end of the week and have at least a functional kitchen space by the end of the weekend (though not all the cabinetry will be in place). I CAN'T WAIT. Took advantage of the Sears deferred interest program for Kenmore appliances and upgraded to far more energy efficient range and fridge. Am looking into what I can do to augment my hot water and other electrical demands via solar, as we get a lot of good exposure days on this lot.

Took out the diseased plum tree from the curbside and will be replacing it with two flowering ornamental trees...probably cherries or plums.

Am REALLY looking forward to the concept phase of the new school project at North. Have a lot of ideas concerning the theater and can't wait to get some of them on the table - performing arts could really be a flagship program for the Black Tornado, choral, instrumental, and dramatic efforts are all amazing to be part of.

The current crop of movies has escaped my notice, thus far (busy with wrapping up both Dream and the kitchen), but I expect to catch up during the holiday - look for film review posts during my time in Minnesota with Jen. Also good TV - I've been keeping up with Heroes, Galactica, Studio 60, and Without a Trace this year - everything else is on when I don't have time to watch...and much is worth missing. I'll probably start some open comment threads on programs that seem particularly relevent (Galactica has a good history for that - not sure how this season is going to shake out as political allegory, but I can't imagine it won't tread down some very thought-provoking paths).

More later!

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