Oh, wait... I am here on this table topic STILL? Yeah. New considerations to ponder.
New consideration #1 - I cannot work at the same pace I used to because I managed to take the tip of my thumb off while using a table saw. So, do I still do a table BUILD or am I back at looking at a table BUY? And if it's still a build, does it use materials other than wood?
Which transitions to consideration #2 - A few YouTube vids have people using 8020 extruded aluminum. And looking at (say) a Rhino or Yakima rack made from ExAl and pondering something like that as a base frame (nicer eased edges than just stock ExAl) combined with a plywood or jointed panel deck might make for some portability options I hadn't considered. And then almost any craigslist table could serve as a pedestal for such a deck. And while on the topic of craigslist tables, a lot of Dining Tables already have some of the toughest parts of the build done and all that needs to be done is work on the top deck and the vault...
So then there is consideration #3 - I already own two dining tables made by my grandfather (so not getting rid of them) and am going to inherit a 3rd (also made by him so also not getting rid of) so I do not have space to add a FOURTH table... do I build a stowable topper for an existing table? Do I take the one of the three with a good vault frame, but otherwise in the worst shape and evolve it? Do I start to think about folding, drop leaf, etc... options to make something much less space consuming?
In light of all three of these, there is a folding table, ExAl framed, vaulted table now out there in patreonland that looks like something I would /could use, is affordable, and addressed ALL of these considerations is a way that seems viable.
I think my LONG term plan is evolving to do the folded solution from patreon and also adapting one of the three Grandpa Niday tables with some patience and diligence. Of course, that Niday table MIGHT be headed to Virginia, so the Craigslist (or Restore) modded table might still be in the background as an option.
I have discarded the "build from scratch" idea. Can't justify expense, time, use, and space...
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