Sunday, November 15, 2020

Gaming Table Build - Considerations

 There are a lot of things going into the specs side of this planning phase:

ONLY a gaming table? Do I want it to do double duty as an eating surface? If so, how to I mitigate spill issues vis a vis the vault? Spills in general? If I do cup holders cut into the table, I wreck the dining room aesthetic. Do I engineer magnet or slotted (or both) add-ons? More on that below...

The Vault, you say? Yes. Key to this whole thing is a recessed space that can contain scenic elements and dice rolls. The first limiting factor there: My LED Ribbon light only spans 16'. That will limit the dimension of the vault.

How many at the table? I am thinking I usually want 4 or 5 at the table. If it can support two on each side and one on each end, then I can have 5 PCs in a group. 

Usable surface: Do players get a wide ledge? An undershelf? Side mounted auxiliary surfaces? From the get go, or built to accept them later.

Video? I mean... maybe?

Is this going to be a cabinetry level woodworking project? Or a DiY carpentry project... my tool rig and shop space is up for the latter, but needs some upgrades for the former. My skills need some upgrades for the former, too.

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