In light of Rudy Guiliani having the audacity to ask for $20k a day for legal work for Trump, I've decided I am at least as qualified to do some kind of consulting work as he is to do that...
So, while I am not expecting a single client ever, I promise I will use my brain for you and say words to you about that use. My areas of interest are education, theater, theater education, table top role playing games, home improvement, and online work spaces.
Since Rudy thinks he should earn more in 4 days than I've even made in an entire year.... I reverse engineered his rates using a calculation based on the cost of his education and then factoring in his years of experience to get to a formula that justifies $20k a day. Then used the same math (rounded to the nearest $1k) to calculate MY daily fee.
Rudy went to Manhattan College and to NYU Law. At today's prices, his tuition (only, not other costs), would be just north of $338k. He graduated in 1968, so has 52 years of experience. If I multiply the cost of his education by his years of experience, and divided that total by 20000 and to learn the Rudy Integer (RI) -- the number that when applied to his ed and exp, makes $20k. So I decided that is a legit calculation. Right? Sure. I went to Wesleyan and SOU. Again, at today's prices: $261k. I've been working for 30 years. Multiplying tuition by experience and dividing by the arbitrary RI value of 875, I get a daily fee of $9k. I can live with that.
PS: when you do your Tuition x Experience multiplication, you MIGHT get 0, because either you've never worked OR you never went to college. That's OK. You can add $120 to the final number and THAT is your daily rate (that's $15 an hour for an 8 hour day). Which, when rounding to the nearest $1000, is still $0
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